Saturday Programs

Put the "Gold" in Golden Retriever

Blake Hernandez

Who doesn't love a Golden Prince? They are a family favorite and a grooming salon staple. We've got one hour to brush the dollars out of the coat, comb the quarters into the bank, outline-trim the dimes, and scissor off the pennies to make this dog a Golden Goose. Air Bud won't let anyone but you touch his locks after this lesson!

Puppy Handling 101

Melissa Jepson

Puppies are often a whole other world when it comes to the easiest way to acclimate them to the grooming process. This class will equip you with the best knowledge and techniques to handle puppies with confidence!

What's Your Worth, and Is It Worth It for Them?

Jameson Kon

If a potential client is a job you're about to apply for, what can you write on your resume that will make you stand out for them to hire you, in this case, as their personal groomer? Are you charging enough for what you're doing? What If you're having challenges in raising your rates and don't know how to proceed? This class will discuss how you can impress your clients with your own resume, including how you can raise the rates for your more tenured clients or how to attract new clients with your newly acquired skillsets. This is your time to showcase your worth to your clients!

Here Kitty Kitty!

Jessica Uzzetta

Unravel the myths about cats and learn tips, tricks and safety techniques you can apply when grooming your feline clientele. She will walk you through creating a relaxing experience and navigating the best possible outcome for you and your clients.

Going from Pet Groomer to Enrichment Stylist

Samantha Palya

Are you tired of struggling with dogs? Getting hurt? Turning clients away? Is your passion too low and your burn out too high? Learn how to enhance your day and the pets groom with enrichment grooming. During this seminar, you will learn how grooming through enrichment will create that positive experience for you, your clients, and their pets. From puppies to older dogs and aggressive to scared, learn what tools you need and safety tips, but most of all, how to go beyond the groom and create an amazing mental, emotional, and physical experience.

I Can Blend That!

Rachel Colant

If seeing a drop-coated dog on your schedule makes you sweat, you're not alone. In this seminar, you will learn Rachel's approach to these difficult coat types to get a super smooth finish. She will cover the best tools, haircut lengths, and prep work to make these drop coats a breeze. A choppy coat can drive any groomer crazy, but with the right tools and techniques, you too will be able to blend that!

Big and Beautiful: The Standard Poodle

Adriane Pope

If there's a single breed that you're certain to find coming to you for grooming, it's the Poodle. All of them—no matter what trim style their owners select—should be elegant, well-balanced, and scissored. Grooming difficult feet, achieving a beautiful topknot, and getting that overall balanced look are not the easiest tasks in the world. Adriane Pope will demonstrate techniques and short cuts, provide timesaving tips, and show you how to do quick and stylish everyday pet trims.

How to Build and Retain a Strong and Loyal Team

Denise Heroux

Loyal employees are the backbone of any business. It is a process that requires patience and strategy, but it is far from impossible. Denise will go over the steps you can take to help stand out and find the people who best fit your brand and company culture. Most importantly, she will cover how to retain and manage your dream team.

May the Force Be With You

Dan Williams

In this seminar, common dryers, including stand, cage, high-velocity, and force, will be reviewed, with a focus on the equipment’s primary and secondary uses. A series of charts, graphs, color photos, and text will assist groomers to select the proper dryer for a specific application and groom shop. Force dryers will be discussed in detail, as well as the differences between single-motor and double-motor dryers used in high-velocity or force-type dryers. Also covered will be the double-motor configuration, and the pros and cons of series and parallel configurations.

Confessions of a People-Pleasing Pet Groomer

Kelsey Ann Sexton

"Yes, I can fit Fluffy in," "Sure, you can pick-up late," "Yes, I will waive the fee.” Does this sound like you? In this class we will go over lighthearted issues that arise, caused unknowingly by us trying to please everyone. Going from customer servant to customer service, Kelsey Ann will discuss steps to incorporate boundaries to please you, which, in turn, builds wonderful customer relationships.

Grooming by Numbers

Melissa Jepson

Do you struggle with getting lost in your haircuts sometimes? Remember painting by numbers? Now we have grooming by numbers! Join Melissa as she shows you how to pinpoint important areas on the dog so you can connect the dots to creating haircuts you love!

Poodle Perfect

Blake Hernandez

Poodle trims and balance are what we compare all other trims to. Master a Poodle and most other breeds will come much easier. In this class, Blake will show you how to see through the hair and know exactly where you will end up from the moment you lay eyes on your subject. Show, pet, matter the style, it's right up his aisle. Blake is Poodle Perfect!

The Grooming Business: Not Just a Good Haircut!

Joey Villani

This is a great opportunity to listen to Joey Villani, a seasoned veteran of all sides of the grooming business, on the topic of running a more efficient operation. Lots of information will be covered in condensed form, so take lots of notes on this one! Time will be well spent in this class!

Add to Your Bottom Line With Add-On's

Elli Bultemeier

Do you want to add to your bottom line but not sure how? Add-on's! Elli will walk you through how to implement add-ons, which ones to pick, and what pricing can look like for you and your customers.

Equipment Maintenance and Cleaning

Mindy Dinwiddie

We spend so much money on our tools and equipment to do our job, but are you doing everything you can to keep them in tiptop shape to get the best finish possible? Our tools and equipment are our livelihood. Learn to how keep everything running smoothly and why it is so important to maintain upkeep. Mindy will walk you through daily to yearly maintenance to preserve that like-new feeling.

Elevating the Everyday Groom

Rachel Colant

Wondering how to elevate your basic haircuts into adorable, Instagramable grooms? Want to get your clients on board with trying new styles that excite and inspire you? In this seminar, Rachel will share her tips and simple tweaks that you can apply on any coat type to add flair and set your everyday grooms apart without slowing down your workflow. She will discuss how to communicate with clients in a way that inspires trust and confidence and gives you the freedom to do more of the grooms that you love, demonstrating the techniques to get you there.

Shih Tzu Mix Makeover

Chris Anthony

One of the most popular mixed breeds we see in our salons continue to be Shih Tzu mixes. In this seminar, Chris Anthony will show you a simple method to add style to small mixed breeds without adding more maintenance for the pet owner. Join Chris to learn how to style those cute teddy bear faces and stylish little bums!

Elevate Your Customer Service

Denise Heroux

This seminar is designed to empower businesses and professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to provide exceptional customer service. Attendees will learn strategies for enhancing customer interactions, building long-lasting relationships, and exceeding customer expectations. The seminar will focus on practical techniques, effective communication, and the use of technology to create memorable customer experiences, ultimately driving customer loyalty and business success. Denise will also set you up with tools to help deliver consistent service no matter how small or large your business is.

How to Incorporate an Enrichment Training Program (No Dog Training Necessary)

Samantha Palya

Are you looking for a way to connect with pets that have unwanted behaviors but just don't know how? Incorporating an enrichment training program can help make connections with pets that may be turned away, bringing in additional revenue, and giving you another way to separate yourself from other groomers and facilities. The best part is you don't have to be an animal behaviorist or professional dog trainer to change a pet's behavior for grooming! In this seminar, Samantha will take you through the process of incorporating an enrichment training program. From the evaluation process to understanding what methods work best with what types of behaviors, you will be ready to start your own enrichment training program immediately!

Going Mobile: Intro to Mobile Grooming

Cassandra Eye

Thinking you want to do mobile grooming or just starting your mobile business? This class will introduce you to all aspects of mobile grooming as well as provide tips and advice to help you start and build your mobile business.