Thursday Programs

Brusher Bather Certificate Program

Teri DiMarino

Your ability to do your job, and do it right, separates you from being "just a bather" to a position that contributes to the finished product in the salon. Teri believes that a good bath, brush and dry is 50% of a great groom. The bathing room is where most stylists started. Before future groomers begin to think of clipping coat, they must first know what to expect from the hair, and how to treat it to obtain desired results. Surprisingly, many great B/Bs remain in the bathing room, preferring the security of knowing there will always be a need for their expert services. Bathers-in-training, "groomer wannabes", seasoned groomer techs and salon owners will benefit from this day-long program with tips on equipment and products to make the job easier. From getting the dog ready for the tub, to finding the right shampoo through proper bathing and blow-drying techniques, Teri will cover the B/B fundamentals. Safety issues and handling will be stressed.

Tools of the Trade and How to Use Them

From brushes and nail clippers, muzzles to grooming loops, Teri covers equipment basics, highlighting correct uses, in an effort to make the work easier and more comfortable for pet and bather. "These techniques and tools will make the finished groom a true work of art," says Teri. Anals and ears will be also discussed.

Dematting… It’s Not What It Used To Be

Everyone has a technique for dematting a neglected pet. For some, it’s a shave-down and then entering the pelt in a Mat Contest. For others, it’s a time-consuming, hair-splitting experience, destined to take its toll on the pet, the B/B or both. Teri examines the most common and effective products, tools and techniques for the demat dilemma without getting all tangled up.

What’s In Those Bubbles??? Shampoos, Conditioners & Spray

Tocopherol, Ergocalciferol, Sodium Chloride. Teri takes a "groomers-eye" view of the stuff we use every day in language we can understand. Shampoos, sprays and conditioners are our most expendable items but what do we really know to select the right product for our situation? (Those scary words are techno-speak for vitamin E, vitamin D and simple table salt, often found in many grooming products.)

Getting the Most Out of Your Bathing and Drying Time

Bathing and drying are the most underestimated aspects of our jobs. Techniques can make or break a groom. The ability to properly apply products, thoroughly clean and then dry the pet will have a direct influence on the finish. You will hear about time-saving equipment and techniques.

This program is six hours long and is included in the Do-It-All admission or can be purchased separately. See Schedule and Registration for starting times and fees. Program includes Trade show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Hair and Skin 101 Certificate Course

Dr. Cliff Faver

Learn the science, techniques, and product types to successfully put the “why” in what you do. This course is a must for groomers, bathers, and office personnel in the grooming shop and veterinary clinic alike. Come see what some say can’t be done! Real-time cases done by groomers will be shared.

1) Understanding Hair and Skin

Learn the basic anatomy and function of the skin and hair. This is a critical foundation for this class and everything a groomer or bather does. This hour will explain a lot of the science about how nutrition, sebum, and basic anatomy work so you can understand the “why” in what you do.

2) Understanding the Difference in Coat Types and The Protocols to Use

In this class you will learn the needs of the different coat types so you can make better decisions in the product types you pick for maximum results.

3) Understanding Common Things That Go Wrong and That Lead To Skin issues

Always wonder why these skin conditions occur and reoccur? Does technique play a factor? Could I have caused that issue? When the client or veterinarian accused me of causing the issue, is that true?

4) The Science to Follow in Treating Skin Issues

Learn methods, techniques, and types of products to fix the skin problems when they occur. Learn principles that will lead to success when treating skin issues, how to grow hair back on those shaved-down dogs, and why steroids and antibiotics and the typical therapies for skin don’t always work.

Come learn how as a groomer you can make a difference and save lives.

Salon Owner Series Certificate Course

Joey Villani

In this four-part certificate course designed for salon owners, grooming business expert Joey Villani will cover all aspects of owning a salon, from starting a business to managing employees and clients.

1) Pet grooming business opportunities, including: learning what’s right for you; to own or not to own; business pros and cons; personal profile; buying an existing business or starting new; fixed location, mobile, home-based, concession or table rental.

2) Creation of a pet grooming business, including: location selection; steps and cost; construction; equipment and supplies; layout; income and expense categories; pricing and booking; additional services; marketing.

3) Employees, including: the interview; how to pay; types of pay; how to keep valued employees; efficient use of personnel; and who to hire next.

4) Client relations, including; the right image; work with clients; customer complaints; policies and procedures.

Doodle Days with Super Styling Sessions

Sue Zecco & Jay Scruggs

Join Sue Zecco & Jay Scruggs as they host an all-doodle seminar with live demos! Three different doodles will be groomed, all having different coat types and trims. Learn how to properly prep these coats to get a great finish. They will also demonstrate how to choose the correct trim for each individual dog, as they are all built differently. Let them explain how to choose what trims are best for the clients to maintain. This jam-packed seminar will go over tools, products, timesaving tips, scheduling, and so much more!

Safe Handling Difficult Dog Certificate Course

Melissa Jepson

In today's increasingly litigious society, it's more important than ever to understand how to safely handle as many different types of dogs as possible. So what do we do when we feel our safety is compromised? In this comprehensive four-hour class, Melissa will show you in real time how to quickly, compassionately, and efficiently handle the difficult behavioral problems we face every day.

Thursday Evening

Everything Doodle with the Doodle Queen

Anna Stowell

Join Anna, known as the “Doodle Queen” on Instagram, as she shares all the things she’s learned over the years building up a beautiful and well-maintained clientele of doodles. Learn how to communicate with doodle owners, in addition to training them to be a wonderful client. She will go over pricing as well, because no groomer should sell themselves short! You won’t want to miss all her tips in tricks to becoming the doodle expert in your area.

The Sustainable Salon

Lara Latshaw

Do you dream of taking a lengthy vacation? Or perhaps even exploring another career while your grooming salon continues to operate? Two years ago, Lara followed her dreams and moved to a tiny Caribbean island, yet her grooming salon in Indiana still flourishes. Here Lara will help you reach these dreams and more as she shares various business concepts and looks into what it takes to create a salon that you do not have to be physically attached to. This class will cover topics related to employees, customers, general operations, and money, and is great for salon owners or those considering opening their own salon. The concepts covered will benefit all groomers.

Barkleigh Pet Professional First Aid & CPR Certificate Course

Kelsey Ann Sexton

As a pet care professional, you want to be equipped with the skills to handle medical emergencies that arise while a pet is in your care. Whether a pet becomes ill, injured, or needs help in a disaster, this course will teach you how to respond. In this two-hour course, you will learn how to stock a first aid kit, perform CPR, respond to breathing and heart emergencies (including choking), and disaster procedures, with some of these exercises being demonstrated on a live dog. This unique course is customized for pet care professionals and you will learn how to respond to emergencies specific to your industry. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a frameable certificate stating that you are certified in Pet Professional First Aid & CPR.